I am Tom Biszkowiecki
When I say "I am," it is an illusion of who I could be, a fleeting grasp of identity that cannot fully capture the essence of who I am becoming. The illusion lies in believing that such a statement reveals the whole truth of our existence. In reality, we are in constant motion, shaped by time, experience, and unfolding potential.
My existence is within my story, a reflection of both you and me, mirroring each other, in the universe where love guides us. The life within you awakens my purpose for you.
My story
I was born in Poland, where I lived for many years before emigrating to the United States. I currently live in Florida. As for what I do, I am just being myself, discovering the potential for my own growth through interpretation. I know it may sound as if I don’t want to say anything, but that’s the truth. I simply am, and in this state of 'I amness,' I uncover myself anew each day. Writing this now, I realize that, in truth, I am the author of my own life, which has just become new. In my own awareness and understanding, I have allowed myself to let go of the past, no longer bound by what was, but shaped by what I choose to create now.My spiritual growth was spontaneous. Through mystical experiences, I have arrived at this moment in my journey. For more than two decades, I have walked a path of spiritual transformation. It began with astrology, which served as the key to understanding the spiritual guide within me. In the course of this journey, I opened my heart to love, to the universal consciousness that reveals the essence of true, unconditional love. Along the way, I began to hear the voices of my guides, and through them, I came to understand my clairaudient nature. Before this, I had already embraced my claircognitive and clairvoyant abilities, which were awakening within me. Fourteen years ago, a spiritual transformation led me to an understanding of coexistence as a soul in the light of my higher consciousness. This newfound understanding opened the door for me to communicate and convey messages from the higher space of my existence. It became self-evident that I am not here just to live life, but to fulfill the story of my soul about myself. I am both a teacher and a student, constantly seeking myself in love. Yet, I know how to walk my own path, the one defined by my soul’s truth. My soul, an expression of divinity, guides me through the complexities of life and teaches me. I am, therefore, myself in transformation, moving toward a state where I am already one with love, as in We, as one in the whole spiritual and Divine, as oneness. As a teacher, I guide others to face their disappointments and realize that these moments often reveal the illusions of who they think they are. I am a guide, leading people through their tangible emotions, seen through the lens of anger, shame, humiliation, guilt and all that limits us. I extend my hand to help you awaken, to reconnect with your soul and its guidance, which has brought you here to me. In our mutual need for awakening, we become one on the shared path toward love. So, what is love to me? In this space, love is a tool, a means for self-discovery and transformation. It is the force that awakens the power within you, the love of God, and the love of spiritual transformation. For me, love is a state of being that creates. It is through love that I have become someone who can help you